Are you currently in the process of selling your home? Have you done anything to try and add value to your property? Specifically now when the market is so full of different options, I keep …
Plants for small apartments
In my old life as a landscaper gardener people used to ask me if it is possible to have plants inside small apartments. When I was pausing to think about the answer, the continuation question …
Chalkboards, isn’t it a wonderful idea?
You know when you have a wall, big, small, side, or front wall, and you have absolute no idea how to use it? Well, here you can have some inspiration for home or commercial uses …
Paraty, city of history and architecture
Brazil is only 500 years old, however only 250 of these years are important regarding history and architecture aspects.
This was the first time that Europe turned its eyes to what was a country …
Pallets, the new use for old wood…
Incredible to think that we can make such good use from old wood pieces, that industries and companies disposed of after lots of use, having no idea how to get rid of them… Ok, here …
Naked walls, can reveal nice secrets…
Many times when we buy an old property .. a house, an apartment, a loft, a country farm, we only see the bad shape and lots of work in front. But, if we give …